Reclaiming your narrative with:


1.     What’s your superpower?

Is it cheating if I say I have two? My first is I’m an incredible multitasker – it comes in handy when you’re juggling a lot – as most women are! My second is that I have an amazing ability to feel someone’s aura from first meeting them.

2.     If you could wake up anywhere tomorrow, where would you be?

Cartagena, Colombia. I have been dying to go to South America. There’s so much culture there that I’m itching to explore, and I love going to places where I don’t speak the language!

3.     What does your typical day look like?

If this is a good day – and we all know what that means – it starts at 6:30am. I flourish having time in the morning to meditate and center myself before the hustle of the day. Then I head to the office by 8:45am to get a jump on my inbox and to-do list before the rest of the team comes in. I am at the office until 5:30pm usually tackling all things gender equity in the news media or focusing on the next upcoming project for The Reclaim – but I always try to eat lunch away from my laptop even for a minute.

Then I usually either head home to drink some wine and dance around the kitchen while I cook dinner, or head to a happy hour to catch-up with friends and share some laughs. Then when I’m settled in for the evening, I like to tackle some last-minute things, catch up on the news of the day, and chat with my roommates. Even though sometimes you need to work during those evening hours, I believe if it can wait until tomorrow – it should.

Lastly, I do a wind down exercise to shake off the day, or watch a Bon Appetite video, and I’m fully in bed by 10:30pm, because I live that grandma life on weekdays.

4.     If you could take anyone on a coffee date (living or not), who would it be and why?

This might come as a ‘surprise’, but I would love to grab coffee with Rihanna, even though she seems more like shot of Hennessy woman than a coffee person.

Rihanna has done so much for black women. She is currently the highest paid singer, the first black person and first woman to head a maison for a luxury brand, and her beauty and lingerie lines showed to a lot of naysayers that inclusivity matters. I admire the risks she takes and that she uses her influence to uplift her community and ALL women in general.

I also think she would be the most fun person to hang out with, and I would hope she would let me spend time in her closet. Apparently, this coffee date is now just a full-fledged friendship, and I’m okay with it.


5.     What’s something you’d like to learn?

I’m actually on my journey! I want to learn how to make my own signature biscuit.

6.     What is one topic or perspective surrounding gender that you wished was talked about more?

I wish that all layers of inclusivity weren’t an after-thought. I think the movement does a great job of mentioning race or sexuality – but class, immigration status, location, education, debt, job status, and so much more impact women as well.


7.     What’s your life motto or your life philosophy in one sentence?

Leave no idea, aspiration or shoe store unexplored.


8.     Where can we find you on the interwebs?

Instagram: @chandacdaniels
Twitter: @chandacdaniels
LinkedIn: chandadaniels


The Reclaim in The Washingtonian


Our takes: from the women's march to the election trail